Self Reflection On Trade-Off And Decision Making

The BIG question is, are you ready to make the trade? The bigger question is, do you even have the option or luxury not to make it?

Self Reflection On Trade-Off And Decision Making
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Making one good decision means that you will sacrifice hundreds if not thousands of other options, some good, some not so good.

Whether in a business project or in your life, going one way means not taking the other. With that being the case, how do we know what path to take and which one to sacrifice?

Decisions will always require you to define your priorities.

If you decide to scale your business and succeed, you won't be a small business anymore. Scaling is not a bad thing, it is just another option, but they are never the same.

Bigger projects, bigger rent, bigger teams, bigger problems, bigger payables, bigger lawsuits. Your problems which cost you a couple of thousand dollars now, are a couple of millions later. Are you ready for the headache? How much do you need, and how much do you aspire to?

The same holds for simple life decisions. Some are simple to make, and some are not. You are limited in time, space, and attention, and you need all three to make money and cultivate deep relationships.

How do you allocate this resource in the context of a relationship? You can spend time with your family but not the same with your work, and maybe your family needs you to work.

Every decision is a trade-off, and you have mostly three types of trade to consider:

  • Between a Good Thing and Bad Thing
  • Between Good Thing and Good Thing
  • Between Bad Thing and Bad Thing
  • (And then the thousands of variables in between...)

The BIG question is, are you ready to make the trade? The bigger question is, do you even have the option or luxury not to make it?

Your NORTH is the way you measure success in your life; that is a theme for another blog post.

Until the next one,
