Mister Fortune Teller

Your voice is loud, but your words are empty I'll be waiting right here if you've got something to say To an ordinary man on an ordinary day

Mister Fortune Teller
Mister Fortune Teller
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Have you been waiting for your new source of inspiration? Looking for a new thing that will keep you moving forward? I knew three guys, Mister Going-Somewhere, Mister Inspiration, and Mister Fortune Teller, all walking the same road as me, full of bits of advice, but I found their voices very loud and their words very empty.

Jason Upton's song, Mister Fortune Teller, has been on my favorite list for a long time. You, me, and everyone else are looking for inspiration, trying to figure out where we are going, and living in the never-ending cycle of getting nothing done. So how do we get things done?

"Could you help me out Mr. Fortune Teller
Could you come down here to my dwelling place
Your voice is loud, but your words are empty
I'll be waiting right here if you've got something to say
To an ordinary man on an ordinary day." Mister Fortune Teller (Jason Upton)

Tomorrow has become today.

Put a stop to your mental paralysis and start doing something about your plans. Every person who looks like he is going somewhere is full of doubts and hesitations about their qualifications. Also, remember looks can be deceiving. They may or may not actually be going anywhere.

Practice, practice, and more practice. You will not start being a pro at anything at the beginning, but as you age and gain experience, you find yourself wiser and more skillful. This is the game of life, and you need to jump in, risk it, and play it.

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Jesus (The Book of Matthew)

You've got to live the today, tomorrow will bring its own worries, but today you need to live and take action. You need to laugh, cry and enjoy. You need to feel, learn by experience, let it go, and get going.

"So let's stop waiting for tomorrow
Tomorrow has become today
And heaven is hidden, hope's not far away
It's there within our bright-eyed wonder
It's found within life's tragedy
Sometimes I laugh so hard it just takes ahold of me.
God's got ahold of me."
Mister Fortune Teller (Jason Upton)
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Until the next one,
