Free Speech, Social Interactions, and Open Ecosystems: NOSTR

Explore how Nostr and open ecosystems offer a decentralized alternative to the control of big tech, promising a more honest and user-driven online experience.

Free Speech, Social Interactions, and Open Ecosystems: NOSTR
Photo by Matt Burke / Unsplash

In just one month of this current year, 2024, there are reports of arrests in the UK over social media posts. Pável Dúrov, the CEO of Telegram, was imprisoned in France for refusing to cooperate with the French government by not providing backdoor access to user data for French intelligence. Meanwhile, Brazil is threatening hefty fines for residents who use the social media platform "X," as the country considers banning it.

Over a year ago, I started realizing that the free speech we enjoy is not truly free; it is controlled by a few select companies that have monopolies in different silos of big tech. These silos are often echo chambers, which, while not perfect, are manageable. The positive aspect of social media is its power to connect people and ideas. However, the downside is that in such siloed platforms, culture is shaped according to the whims of an algorithm. We have already seen that this kind of shaping produces a polarized, selfish, and apathetic society.

This led me to discover Nostr, a protocol that, much like email, allows users to exchange data without any single entity controlling it. They can’t. It’s like a language—so long as someone speaks it, it will continue to exist.

Culturally, we need to embrace open-source and decentralized protocols that allow for freedom of movement on the internet. Legacy social media platforms do not allow you to move your audience, friends, or followers to another platform; they are silos. Open and decentralized social media is a more honest representation of what it means to be social. You are social, and the fruits of your efforts should stay with you.

Anyway, I encourage you to check out Nostr. I believe it is gaining real traction, and from what I’ve seen in technology, open and decentralized protocols always win.

It’s much more than social media—think about the impact email has had on the world as we know it. That’s the level of power we’re talking about here. This is just a short ramble, but hopefully, one day I’ll dive deeper into how to navigate this open ecosystem. Meanwhile, for the curious among you, go and check out this site.

Nostr, a simple protocol for decentralizing social media that has a chance of working
A guide to the simplest decentralized protocol that isn’t peer-to-peer, therefore works.