Life's Limited Run: Return The One Thing Deemed Impossible To Regain

May this year lead you to rediscover those tales where, against all odds and reason, you embarked on daring endeavors, and others rallied behind you to fulfill those dreams.

Life's Limited Run: Return The One Thing Deemed Impossible To Regain
Photo by Clancy Brett / Unsplash
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Do you grasp the fact that our time on this planet is fleeting, much sooner than we might fathom? Yes, I mean gone, as in departed, lifeless. We inhabit this world for just a brief span; we long for eternity, but that eternity is just not yet. Given this reality, our time to discern the life we desire, ascertain how to attain it, work towards it, and then sustain it is limited. Yet, we cannot evade the end. Eventually, we will all descend from our triumphs in life into the embrace of the grave.

I understand, it doesn't sound like an uplifting way to kick off the new year, but I implore you (and myself) to recognize two crucial truths. First, you must decide what you desire in life and exert effort to achieve it. Second, and the focal point of our conversation henceforth, is acknowledging those who have aided you on your journey and contemplating how they will remember you.

The words of my friend, Rey Dario, resonate as I pen this. He chose to diverge from a successful career path to craft a life aligned with his passions, surrounded by loved ones in places he adores. It may sound like a luxury, and indeed it is. Gratitude is in order for the era in which individuals can shape both work and life accordingly. Rey shared how, in the process of redesigning his life, he, as we should do as well, unearthed a renewed significance in his relationships with family and loved ones.

Understand that reaching your current station in life involves experiences facilitated by others. Reflecting on a drive from the countryside to the city with my father, discussing the inception of our woodshop, was a moment of realization about the undeserved support we've received. In those two hours, we revisited our journey from a garage to a full-fledged woodshop, Yet, I could not remember a concrete sales or marketing strategy during those decisive moments when we were deciding to start this endeavor.

So, here are my parents, gazing at their two kids with perhaps unfounded hopes of a prosperous business venture that might strain our bodies and potentially fail. Yet, they decided to extend their support. They provided us a starting point, delivered groceries to our new home when our fridge stood empty, and fueled our gas tank. They voiced their concerns, yet beyond that, they recognized our essence and trusted in our capacity to navigate our course.

May this year lead you to rediscover those tales where, against all odds and reason, you embarked on daring endeavors, and others rallied behind you to fulfill those dreams. From the day you entered this world until your departure, a myriad of people care for you, and it is incumbent upon us to relinquish selfishness and return to them the one thing deemed impossible to regain: time.

Until the next,


Please don't forget to share this with any friend or family member, especially if they are a craftsman of any kind, as most of my content revolves around the intersection of craftsmanship, life, family, and culture through the lens of faith.